adj. that relates to ancient forms of light. syn. paleophotic ☐ paleophotology n. paleophotologist n. [f. Gk. palaios ‘ancient’+ photal]
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adj. that relates to ancient forms of light. syn. paleophotic ☐ paleophotology n. paleophotologist n. [f. Gk. palaios ‘ancient’+ photal]
adj. pertaining to properties that apply across all lights types, elements or qualities. syn. panphotic ☐ panphotally adv. panphocy n. panphocist n. [f. Gk. pan- ‘all’ + photal]
adj. that pertains to light at the periphery. syn. periphotic ☐ periphotally adv. periphocy n. [f. Gk. perí ‘around’+ photal]
n. a man who loves light. ☐ philophotess n. philophotal philophotic adj. philophotally adv. philophocy n. [f. Gk. phílos ‘loving’ + Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’]
n. the presence or quality of light or lighting. ☐ photic photal adj. phocist n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + -cy]
n. a small neighborhood shop selling light or light therapy for everyday needs [f. Gk. Phos ‘light’ + Gk. apotheke ‘store’]
n. & v. • v. to change from one degree of light intensity to another • n. a change from one degree of light intensity to another ☐ phogressif adj. phogressively adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. gradi ‘step’]
adj. 1. of or relating to light with a dreamy quality 2. of or relating to dreams about light ☐ phoneirically adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. oneiros ‘dream’]
n. a scenery that contains or is made with light or lighting. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + scape]
n. a theoretician who specializes in the area of light and lighting practices. ☐ phoscholarly adj. & adv. phoscholarship phoscholarliness n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’+ L. schola ‘school’]
n. 1. learning that is related to light 2. learning that results from light ☐ phoscognitive adj. phoscognitively adv. abbrev. Phocognition [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. cognitio ‘learn’]
v. sl. to intentionally or unintentionally implement a disastrous lighting feature or scheme. syn. photofuck. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + screw]
n. & v. • n. a narrative about light or lighting. • v. to write a script about light or lighting -ing -ed. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. scrīptum noun use of neuter past participle of scrībere to write]
n. sl. a person who is dorky about light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + dork]
n. & v. • n. the act of searching with light. • v. to search, explore, or probe with light, -ed -ing ☐ phosearchable adj. phosearcher n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. circus ‘around’]
v. to shape with light -ed -ing. syn. photomorph. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. fōrma ‘form’]
n. sl. 1. an expert or enthusiast in digital light technologies. 2. a peculiar person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual about light. ☐ phosgeeky adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + geek]
n. & v. • n. a unique, distinguishing feature or mark made with light.• v. to affix a light signature or mark -ed -ing. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. signāre ‘to mark’]
n. verbal expression about light. ☐ phosloquent adj. phosloquently adv. phoslocutor n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. locūtiō ‘speech’]
n. someone who is knowledgeable about light ☐ phosmathic adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. –mathēs ‘to learn’]
n. sl. a person whose extensive knowledge about light is often too complex or detailed for others. syn. phosnurd [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + nerd]
n. a portable light player [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + U.S. ipod]
adj. 1. essential light or lighting 2. having an essential need for light ☐ phossentially adv. phossence n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. essentia ‘essence’]
n. a stable state of light or lighting. pl. phostases [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + stasis ‘standing still’]
adj. monotonous or tedious light [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. taediōsus ‘tedious’]
v. to build with light. -ed -ing. ☐ phostructor n. phostructural adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. structūra ‘build’]
adj. that can receive light or lighting. ☐ photability n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ +-able]
adj. that pertains to light. syn. photic ☐ phocy n. photally photly adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’]
n. pain caused by light. ☐ photalgic adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. algos ‘pain’]
adj. pertaining to light with masculine qualities. ☐ photandrously adv. photandrousness n. ☐☐ ant. photogynous. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. andros ‘man’]
n. the ruling of or by light, lighting, or lighting professionals. pl. photarchies ☐ photarch photarchist n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. –arkhia ‘government, rule’]
n. a place dedicated to light, where light can be studied. pl. photaria [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. –arium ‘work’]
n. sl. an annoying person who works in light or lighting.
n. a quality or atmosphere that emanates from a light or from the lighting of a place. pl. photauras photaurae [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + aúrā ‘breath, breeze’]
adj. pertaining to light from the South. ☐ photaustrally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. austrālis ‘southern’]
n. the arrangement or organization of lighting parts, devices, technologies or elements. pl. photaxes [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. taxis ‘order’]
adj. relates to a sparing or sparse use of light ☐ photersely adv. photersity n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. tersus ‘concise’]
adj. becoming, beginning, tending to be about light. ☐ photescence n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + -escent]
n. someone whose expertise is light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + -cian]
adj. that resembles light. syn. photesque (less common) ☐ photishly adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + -ish]
n. the light ecology of natural fauna and flora. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. bios ‘life’]
adj. pertaining to light from the North. ☐ photoboreally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. boreal ‘north’]
n. & adj. • n. a person that focuses on light or lighting as a central element. • adj. that refers to light or lighting as a central element. ☐ photocentricity n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gr. kentron ‘center’]
n. 1. person or substance that kills light. 2. the killing of light. ☐ photocidal adj. photocidally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. cidium ‘cutting, killing’]
v. to bring light or light to (Brit. photocise) -ing -ed. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + -cize]
n. 1. an organization ruled by a theme related to or property of light 2. fig. an organization ruled by the enlightened or illuminated ☐ photocratic adj. photocraticlly adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. kratia ‘rule’]
n. 1. a very small amount of light. 2. a very small lighting fixture. syn. phoscule [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. -culus, diminutive suffix]
n. & v. • n. a cure using light. • v. to cure with light -ed -ing ☐ photocurable adj. photocurability n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. cūrāre ‘to take care of’]
n. 1. interlocking beams of light 2. Christmas tree [f. Gk. Photo– ‘light’ + Gk. dendron ‘tree’]
adj. that has or wears light on the skin. ☐ photodermis photoderm n. photodermically adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. derma ‘skin’]
n. tenet or doctrine about lighting. ☐ photodogmatical adj. photodogmatism n. photodogmatize (Brit. photodogmatise) v. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. dogma ‘opinion’]
n. a domain of light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. domos ‘house’]
n. an opinion about light or lighting. ☐ photodoxy n. photodoxical adj. photodoxally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’+ Gk. dox ‘opinion’]
n. an arena or structure for light spectacles. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. drómos ‘race’]
adj. 1. that has a vigorous light or lighting scheme. 2. whose light or lighting scheme has motion. syn. photodynamical ☐ photodynamically adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. dynamikos ‘powerful’]
n. & v. • n. a lighting manufacture. • v. to make light fixtures -ed -ing ☐ photofacturer n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. factūra ‘the making’]
adj. describing a relationship between animal life and light ☐ photofaunally adv. ☐☐ See photofloral [f. Gk. Phos ‘light’ + Lat. Fauna]
adj. that causes, produces or makes light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + -fic]
adj. describing a relationship between plants and light ☐ photoflorally adv. ☐☐ See photofaunal [f. Gk. Phos ‘light’ + Lat. floralis ‘flower’]
adj. fleeing or moving away from light. ☐ photofugally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. -fugus ‘that flees’]
adj. which is full of light. ☐ photofully adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + -ful]
v. to make, produce or cause light -ed -ing. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. facere ‘to make’]
n. someone who speaks the language of light. ☐ photoglotism n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. glôtta ‘tongue’]
adj. & n. • adj. 1. the quality of being knowledgeable about light. 2. pertaining to knowledge about light. syn. photognostical • n. someone who possesses knowledge about light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. gnōstikós ‘knowledge’]
n. a drawing or marking made with light. ☐ photogrammic photogrammatic adj. photogrammatist n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + graphein ‘write, mark, draw’]
adj. of light that has feminine qualities. photogynously adv. photogynousness n. ☐☐ ant. photandrous [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. gunē ‘woman’]
adj. with a boundary formed by light syn. photohorical ☐ photohorically adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. horos ‘boundary’]
adj. & n. • adj. resembling light or exhibiting some of its properties. syn. photoidal • n. a device that resembles a light fixture. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. –oeidēs ‘resembling’]
n. a region with light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + land]
adj. without light. syn. aphotal ☐ photolessly adv. photolessness n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + -less]
n. a written work about light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. lógos ‘word’]
n. madness, frenzy driven by light (often used figuratively). ☐ photomaniac adj. & n. photomaniacally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. mania ‘madness, frenzy’]
n. 1. someone who is stupid about light. 2. a stupid lighting professional. (informal) [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. mōrón ‘fool’]
v. to shape with light. syn. photomorphize (Brit. photomorphise) -ed -ing ☐ photomorpher n. photomorphosis n. pl. photomorphoses, photomorphable adj. photomorphablity n. ☐☐ ant. aphotomorphable [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. -morphos ‘shape’]
n. a photal version of an existing word. photonymous adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + -nym]
n. 1. someone who suffers from exposure to light 2. someone who treats using light. ☐ photopathy n. photopathic adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. páthos ‘suffering’]
adj. that is moving towards light. ☐ photopetally adv. ☐☐ ant. photofugal [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. petere ‘to seek’]
n. something that consumes light. ☐ photophagous adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. phageîn ‘to eat’]
adj. with light and voice. syn. photophonic [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. phōnḗ ‘voice’]
n. & v. • n. a lighting plan or masterplan • v. to plan or masterplan lighting -ned -ning ☐ photoplanner photoplanning n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + F. plan]
n. a city with or of light and or lighting. pl. photopolises. syn. metrophotopolis megaphotopolis [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. pólis ‘city’]
n. a work or composition made of light. pl. photopuses photopera [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’+ Skr. apas ‘work’]
n. a lighting device or fixture. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’]
n. a scenery that contains or is made with light or lighting. syn. phoscape ☐ phoscaper photoscaper n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + scape]
n. a lighting scene or story. ☐ photosodic adj. photosodically adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. eisodios ‘coming in’]
n. a specialized subunit in a cell or an organism that directly or indirectly emits light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. sôma ‘body’]
n. sleep induced by light. ☐ photosomniac n. & adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + L. Somnus ‘the ancient roman god of sleep’]
n. wisdom about light. ☐ photosophical adj. photosopher n. photosophize (Brit. photosophise) -ed -ing v. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + sophe ‘wise’]
n. the tectonics of light. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. tektōn ‘builder’]
n. the discipline of architectural lighting design. ☐ phototect n. phototectural adj. phototecturally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. tektōn ‘builder’]
adj. pertaining to heat created by light. syn. photothermal phosthermal ☐ phostermally adv. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. therme ‘heat’]
n. a kind, class, or category, the constituents of which share similar light characteristics. ☐ phototypical adj. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. týpos ‘image’]
adj. wanting light. ☐ photovolently adv. photovolence n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + L. velle ‘want’]
v. to poison with light. syn. photoxicate -ed -ing. ☐ photoxicator n. photoxicable adj. photoxicity n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + Gk. toxikón ‘poison’]
n the discipline and practice of Zen using light. ☐ photozenic adj. photozenicly adv. photozenist n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Skr. dhyāna ‘zen’]
n. a light tune ☐ photune -ing -ed v. to adjust a lighting composition to a correct standard (often followed by up) [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’ + M.E. tune]
adj. that results from several light sources or elements. syn. polyphotic ☐ polyphocy n. [f. Gk. polýs ‘many’ + photal]
n. light related to or suggestive of prostitution ☐ pornophotal pornophotic adj. ☐ fig. vulgar, obscene light [f. Gk. pórnē ‘prostitute’ + phocy]
n. a type of lighting device that is portable. [f. L. portāre ‘to carry’+ photor ]
adj. that is in favor of light. syn. prophotic ☐ prophotally adv. prophocy n. prophocist n. [f. Skr. pra ‘in favor of’ + photal]