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n. a city with or of light and or lighting. pl. photopolises. syn. metrophotopolis megaphotopolis  [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. pólis ‘city’]

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Light Reach

PhoScope launched Light Reach, a radical photocentric initiative to fight light poverty and bring light equality, and facilitate and scale up social engagement in lighting practice. Light Reach serves the educational, artistic, social and recreational lighting needs of communities and individuals worldwide.


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(em)Powering Times Square

(em)Powering Times Square  explores models of on-site renewable energy generation to meet the energy intake of all electronic facades and billboards in Times Square NY. By extension, ETS explores urban lighting ecosystems and new policy models.

(em)Powering Times Square was supported by a grant from the New York State Council for the Arts and a residency at the MacDowell Colony. We are pursuing funding with the support of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).