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n. a lighting device or fixture. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt– ‘light’]

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Dermaphotology 2: Camphotor

PhoScope’s critical inquiry in dermaphotology exposes the pervasive practices that cater spectral distribution to fair skin tones, and the need to advance lighting justice by designing spectra for all skin types.
Camphotor is a minimal and economical portable and rechargeable battery-operated light fixture for digital screen applications. Upon the completion of testing, PhoScope will post opensource specifications  (light source, mounting and optical accessories).

Building on Dermophotor, Camphotor was conceived during the Covid19 pandemic to optimize the online appearance of skin tones with various pigmentation degrees and types, so as to promote lighting equity when physical distancing and online interactions have become the new normal.




Status: R&D in progress
Timeline: 2020- Present
Team: Nathalie Rozot, team members and project partners in progress
Advisory team: Makale Faber Cullen, Brooke Silber Carter, Maria Thompson

PhoScope is currently seeking Project Partners, Project Collaborators and Project Sponsors.
Please contact us at info@localhost


Work in progress was presented at

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Light Reach

PhoScope launched Light Reach, a radical photocentric initiative to fight light poverty and bring light equality, and facilitate and scale up social engagement in lighting practice. Light Reach serves the educational, artistic, social and recreational lighting needs of communities and individuals worldwide.