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n. a type of lighting device that is portable. [f. L. portāre ‘to carry’+ photor ]

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Dermaphotology 2: Camphotor

PhoScope’s critical inquiry in dermaphotology exposes the pervasive practices that cater spectral distribution to fair skin tones, and the need to advance lighting justice by designing spectra for all skin types.
Camphotor is a minimal and economical portable and rechargeable battery-operated light fixture for digital screen applications. Upon the completion of testing, PhoScope will post opensource specifications  (light source, mounting and optical accessories).

Building on Dermophotor, Camphotor was conceived during the Covid19 pandemic to optimize the online appearance of skin tones with various pigmentation degrees and types, so as to promote lighting equity when physical distancing and online interactions have become the new normal.




Status: R&D in progress
Timeline: 2020- Present
Team: Nathalie Rozot, team members and project partners in progress
Advisory team: Makale Faber Cullen, Brooke Silber Carter, Maria Thompson

PhoScope is currently seeking Project Partners, Project Collaborators and Project Sponsors.
Please contact us at info@localhost


Work in progress was presented at

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Dermaphotology 1

Dermaphotology is the study of skin-related lighting properties and phenomena ☐ dermaphotologist n. dermaphotological adj. dermaphotologically adv. [f. Gk. derma ‘skin’+ photology]

With Dermaphotor, PhoScope critiques pervasive practices in the lighting industry that cater spectral distribution for fair skin tones. In this project for Performers of Color, we want to light the United Shades of Americans and empower live performers of all skin types.

Dermaphotor is a portable battery-operated light fixture with multiple preset spectral outputs that optimize the appearance of skin tones with various degrees and types of pigmentation.



Status: Current
Timeline: 2017- Present
Team: Nathalie Rozot, team members and project partners in progress
Advisory team: Makale Faber Cullen, Brooke Silber Carter, Maria Thompson

PhoScope is currently seeking Project Partners, Project Collaborators and Project Sponsors.
Please contact us at info@localhost


Work in progress was presented at


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Solar Powers of 10

Solar Powers of 10 is a solar-powered light sculpture that exhales a nocturnal ghost image of a Sun to increase public awareness for solar energy. Proposed in homage to Charles and Ray Eames’ s short documentary film “Powers of Ten,” Solar Powers of 10 is a low-cost, robust and versatile light-art installation, temporary or permanent,  which can be presented in various sizes as land-art or as a billboard.

Self-powered and off-the-grid, Solar Powers of 10 sculptural installations are artistic in appearance, ecological in application, and civic in essence as they contribute to increasing the public’s awareness and knowledge of solar-powered lighting.

Solar Powers of 10 uses arrays of solar-powered pixels of monochromatic light (white and amber) which charge during the day. The model is not site specific: installations can be implemented in multiple locations in a variety of sizes and can be displayed horizontally at grade level or vertically as billboards. Audiences vary from local residents to unique visitors, including landing and departing plane passengers.

Contact PhoScope for information about commissionning Solar Powers of 10:
PhoScope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and all commissioned work is tax deductible.



Solar Powers of 10 has been supported by and selected for:

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Light Reach

PhoScope launched Light Reach, a radical photocentric initiative to fight light poverty and bring light equality, and facilitate and scale up social engagement in lighting practice. Light Reach serves the educational, artistic, social and recreational lighting needs of communities and individuals worldwide.


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Heliophotomorphing 2

Pwojè Solé @ Matisan applies PhoScope’s design research in a collaborative project with Concepteurs Lumière Sans Frontières (LSF) to serve 50,000 in the slums of Martissant, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Nathalie Rozot analyzed and researched the lighting problem in the ZAC and developed a strategic plan for the implementation of solar-powered lighting with short- to long-term solutions which will serve as a methodology for LSF’s future projects worldwide.



In charity work, all the financial and intellectual capital counts because waste is tragic and consequential; the use of typically scarce resources requires rigorous diligence.  Criteria for giving well is somewhat of a philanthropic controversy, but the project in Martissant shows how funding for programs that integrate training and research can have significantly higher ROI than for designer-led projects that serve limited populations and do not use resources optimally.  Because in Haiti LSF works under the umbrella of Fokal, a local NGO with a strong hold in the community and partnerships with high-level government (it is part of philanthropist George Soros’s network the Open Society Institute), this project is structured, user-centered and intended to serve about 800 families. Conversely, myriad NGOs and design and engineering schools have embraced humanitarian lighting and produced a variety of portable solar-powered lighting products and projects worldwide. However, the benefits of well-meaning, low-quality gadgets with unsustainable supply chains and of the heroic achievements of high-cost solo missions are not backed by evidence: many do-gooder projects start with good intentions and a poor research practice, and result too often in reinvented wheels at best and almost always in an ineffective use of time and money.


The Zone d’Aménagement Concerté de Martissant (ZAC) is a mixed development project which covers the expansive informal settlements that surround both parks and snake up the hillsides. The population of Martissant’s informal settlements is estimated at 50,000 (Fokal estimates that the number has doubled since 6,188 houses were surveyed in 2009). Minimal access to water, healthcare and sanitation cripple the residents’ living conditions, and a study led by Fokal with “Doctors Without Borders” between 2007 and 2009 revealed that many health casualties were due to falls and tied to the lack of lighting. In 2013, Fokal involved LSF in the planning of the electrification project it had since undertaken.


Rozot’s proposition was two-fold: lighting could be treated as a stand-alone project, addressed in the short term with off-grid lighting solutions, and reassessed in the long-term based on the outcome of the electrification endeavor. In addition, site conditions could be structured in three distinct scales and uses with a lighting solution for each: streetlights for major streets and public areas such as playgrounds; solar systems or kits for the winding pathways (normally intended to illuminate building interiors); and portable lights for inside and outside use in homes.

Research and Analysis

Market research for product quality assurance and report and case study analyses preceded the purchase of sample products (nonprofits Lighting Africa and GOGLA include technical assessment of picoPV products and field reports of projects worldwide).

LSF returned to Haiti in 2014 for on site nighttime tests and exploratory night walks with Fokal’s team and the residents.

LSF and Fokal also met with local manufacturers and importers to gauge the robustness of distribution channels for selected products.

Strategy & Execution

For the pilot phase, community representatives and residents across districts identified the locations of each stationary light. A dozen streetlights were purchased and installed in three playgrounds and in one major street in 2015, and in 2016, LSF returned to the site to oversee the installation of 30 solar systems of four different models in the pedestrian pathways. The installations were performed by builders from the community whom Fokal hires for most construction work within the settlements.

Children and youth can now also borrow portable lights at the CCKD library for homework and art projects: in 2017, a pilot “Solar Library” was launched with 30 solar fixtures of three different models and an artistic workshop for the staff and 15 youth. This loan-based system will disseminate the third fixture type among the community and serve to attract more parents to the cultural center.

The current budget, expiring in 2017, afforded the purchase and installation of about 500 products in total (solar streetlights, systems and portable lights), and a close monitoring by residents and Fokal shows minimal vandalism, high ratings and an increasing demand.

The 2018 budget will support the project’s expansion with more products and LSF workshops. In the long-term, its resilience will depend on the residents’ accountability, and Fokal is exploring training programs for maintenance and repairs by the local contractors—gang and corruption practices complicate cash transactions.

Fokal is also pursuing solar micro-grids with on-site electrical generation as prescribed in the initial proposal, because the scarce public lighting the electrification now provides is unreliable due to the utility company EDH’s unstable central supply, and most residents cannot afford paid access to electricity in their homes (nonprofits who work in the area of solar-powered microgrids will be involved).


The effectiveness of social engagement is key because celebrated social causes and the broad needs of “underserved populations” frequently result in generic solutions that fail to adequately respond to the specificity of contexts and constituencies.

Inherent to the success of the Martissant project were Fokal’s deep roots in the community and the analysis, strategy, research, pilots and participatory processes provided by LSF. As a result, this project paves the road for the development of guidelines with a practical methodology which will be a shared resource so that other teams worldwide can scale-up LSF’s humanitarian work. Other LSF resources will include outlines for generic or specific participatory walks and workshops.

Improving and scaling up social practices will result from local project-based initiatives and global research-based evaluations of best practices to synthesize solutions and mechanisms into useful resources that can support more and more of successful initiatives. Documenting and sharing knowledge acquired over time is critical to expand best practices, from social processes to projects: open-source databases and resources are needed to foster effective project-based social programs.

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Twice Out of Paradise (TOOP)

TOOP is a dance production that uses artistic and technical experimentation as an engine for positive social change in the context of environmental issues.

PhoScope experimented with photocules and optics to provide hypophotal theatrical light tectonics, and developed a framework for experimentation and implementation.

The production behaves as an ecosystem, and dancers, stage and light are entirely co-dependent. All work was developed and presented at Espace 104.

Dance production by Jeanne Bloch.